My Story

Areas of Practice
My Story
When I began my career at 19 years old, I knew I wanted to help people. I was most interested in the Human side of business, helping people work together to get a certain job done, while building and maintaining relationships.
I spent roughly 20 years as a Human Resource Professional, moving up through the ranks from a small non-profit to a multimillion dollar resort that seasonally employed up to 1400 seasonally. I worked at this particular resort through a decade of unprecedented growth, and into government receivership, and then through a pandemic. This experience allowed me to hone my skills in relationship building and development through some pretty extreme circumstances.
In early 2017, a group of friends and I worked through a program called the “Year Compass.” This self guided workbook asks you to take a look at the last 12 months’ challenges and accomplishments, and helps you form a path and plan for the next 12 months. It was while working on the Year Compass that I realized I was feeling a bit stagnant in my work. I was progressing to the highest levels of management where I worked, and felt successful doing it. But I longed for more time to work one on one with people. I loved spending time listening to their challenges, helping redirect negative self talk and thoughts to more productive action items. The conversations that other managers shied away from were the ones that lit a fire in my soul (the ever changing world of compliance had the opposite effect!).
What I also noticed in my work through the Year Compass was that while the majority of the celebrations and accomplishments I felt through the years had been focused around family, it was work that was dragging me down. I wanted to spend more time with my kids while I could, rather than making time for them at the end of an exhausting day or week.
I became certified with the World Coach Institute as an Executive and Life Coach in 2017 and began working one on one with people. Following each coaching opportunity, I felt such elation, I knew it was the right path for me But time and time again, I felt like I could do more for people. The boundaries were clear -when I would come up against a more challenging situation where therapy or counseling would be more beneficial to a client I was working with, my hands were tied. I didn't have the background or licenses necessary, and needed to refer them. It felt like I was passing them on to the next professional who may or may not be able to see them for weeks, losing some of the progress we had worked so hard to gain. It felt like I was letting them down.
When the pandemic hit in 2020, I was still working as the Human Resources Director of the Resort. I felt like my plans had to be put on hold. Now, much of my day was now spent working with my second and forth graders on math problems and English language arts while we were working through part time virtual learning. Shortly after the start of the pandemic, my husband entered into a partnership to take over the blasting company he had worked for, and I was helping with the behind the scenes paperwork that owning a new business entailed. While challenging, it also gave me a peek into what working from home could look like.
For the next two years, I balanced my work through the Resort (some times part time, most times full time), the growing blasting business, and my active family.
It was a lot.
In 2021, on my 40th birthday, I took a major leap of faith and told my General Manager that I was looking for more and had enrolled in Graduate School to become a Clinical Mental Health Counselor, with an ultimate goal of opening a private practice. Fast forward through a year of transitioning out of my management role, and all of a sudden I was in complete control of my schedule.
Which brings us to today. As a therapeutic coach, I am passionate about helping people find their voice and reaching their highest potential. My Life’s Work has centered around helping people-working alongside them as they tackle the more difficult aspects of their lives. As an Accountability Partner, I can be there to listen to what you are struggling with, challenge negative self-talk, and celebrate accomplishments. We will walk through the hard stuff together, building self-compassion, understanding and create manageable action steps to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
My style blends compassion, real world experience, listening, with an edge of humor. Our work together will be fun and also productive.
Does this mean I tell you what to do and give you unsolicited advice?
No. I will leave that to your overbearing Aunt Lucy or that one work colleague who always has all the answers.
Whether that is a work relationship that is feeling strained our a personal relationship that needs some attention, you are on the edge of taking meaningful steps toward growth and a future you can be passionate.