Rave Reviews
"I’ve only ever dabbled in vision boarding but in November decided to sign up for an online vision boarding class. After a long, hard year, I knew I wasn’t the same person who started the year and I could feel the pull to evolve. When Allyson, from True Edge Coaching advertised this class it spoke to me, so I took the plunge, stepping outside of my normal comfort zone. At first, I was truthfully a little skeptical about an online vision board course. I just thought it would be odd or hard, or maybe it was the fear of the unknown. As the weeks have gone on, it has turned into a completely unexpected experience for me. Because the course was gradual and mostly on our own, I realize I’ve been able to turn this into a “journey” instead of just an afternoon class. I always have written goals, long and short term, and that’s where I started. I spent hours and hours thinking about them, were they big enough, real enough, deep enough, etc. So much thought has gone into the creation of this board and the process has lead me to things I didn’t even know yet about myself and where I was headed. Some of my truest, deepest desires have been uncovered or at least I’ve become aware of them. I feel so moved and powerful about the work this process made me explore within myself. And a bonus was virtually meeting some amazing, likeminded women! Our goals are all different but our hearts are similar. Their contribution to this experience made it exceptional!"
"I needed help putting my goals into focus, and trying to pinpoint what it was exactly that I needed to do in order to get there. Your course helped me do that (THANK YOU!). Taking the course was my moment of realization for me to know that I needed help. I need to work on ME before anything in any other areas of my life are going to improve. I think you did a wonderful job with the course, I know you poured your heart and soul into it and it shows! A person going into the course in the right frame of mind will get SO MUCH out of this!"
"I just have to reach out and thank you for making this Vision Board available to me. Your Goals Planning Workbook is really good, too. I have filled it out and allowed myself to be honest. I used the back to reflect on everything I wrote as goals. And wow. I mean, wow. I know I have many small steps to go, and that's why I have never written my dream goals down, but now that I have, I am so excited. It's like things clicked and my deep thoughts and worries and excitement went right to the paper. So yahh! Thank you!"
"Before I started this life changing experience with Allyson, I had a hard time dealing with stress and letting things go that were out of my control. Allyson, went over certain steps that I could take to ease the stress and look at the situation differently with a positive spin. The steps were as simple as doing a “To-Do List” when I first got into the office in the morning to help keep me focused at the tasks at hand. Every week I looked forward to our Tuesday call, those calls completed my day. Allyson is absolutely a natural at this and is the most caring person that I know! Thank you Allyson!"
"The two most memorable aspects of the Vision Board Course were the lead-in where you took us through the meditation, and then the sharing of the goals, hopes and dreams with others, and others sharing theirs with me. The intimacy you created for our group was inspiring in and of itself.
In two years’ time, of the pieces on my board, I have been incorporating more of the things that bring me joy - each time I looked at the pictures of flowers or the things that carry the scents I love, I was inspired to bring more of those things into my life. I had the board above my desk and used several of the writing quotes as motivation with my blog. We bought a boat, which I had a picture of on my board. We traveled, both as a couple and as a family and those were both goals that I had pinned on my board. I used several of the quotes I pinned numerous times a day as mantras to bolster me or motivate me - quotes I still use to this day but probably would have long forgotten without the visual reminder.
I absolutely would recommend this or similar courses to others, because far too often we neglect our own desires and goals. We lack the space and time to define them, and the intentionality to see them through. A Vision Board is an amazing tool."
"I really enjoyed doing the course. I think the best part was that I had no idea what to expect - I really just went with it and it was so much more than I could have expected or than I can explain. The group felt comfortable, safe and accepting to me and that's why I felt the process was easy - it just happened. It's exciting to share and talk about goals and expectations in life because it helps push you, and we all need a gentle push sometimes.
Two years later; I placed my vision board in my office above my desk. Whenever I am in the office I always look at it. For a while, I almost felt like some things that I put on my board were long shots. I specifically talked about growing our excavating business and maple business. We are now coming off of our biggest year to date with 8 full-time employees, several new pieces of equipment and more taps than we have ever had. I worked hard to improve communication and my relationships with my husband, and we are closer than we have ever been.
I would recommend doing this for sure. I think that it really allowed me to self-reflect about what was really important to me in life and what I wanted. It's easy to think about the things you want to do but having it on paper and something you can look at every day is much more powerful than I think I ever believed."
"Allyson has a deft touch and offers a good balance of applying an emotional understanding on how to pursue your highest ideas while at the same time offering practical realities and a real road map to get you there. I would recommend her highly to anyone wanting to or thinking about making a career move or interested in pursuing their highest self."
"I need to hug you. This is all happening because of the help that you gave to me, Allyson. Without your Vision Board course, I'm not sure I would be here in this moment. You introduced me to things that helped me change my mindset and get the hell out of my own way. You truly are amazing and I can't thank you enough."